We are excited to see so many lifters new and old partake in this competition, we look forward to many PB’s and great lifting.

Please take note Below!

Session times have also changed. 

Any Changes must be made by 5pm tomorrow 30th June 2023 email: info@cf1610.co.za

Explanation and Rules

As we have so many lifters and only 1 day with 4 sessions time is an important factor, please don’t run down clocks if it’s not necessary.

Please keep the Warm-up area for Lifters and Coaches, Family and Friends are asked to stay in the Spectator Area’s. Please lets try have 1 coach for 1 lifter, 2 coaches for 2 lifters and a maximum of 3 Coaches per club in the warm-up area. Please discuss extra personal with Caroline Wolf if required.

When a lifter has completed their lifts please can they make their way to the Spectators area, we need to allow space for the next session lifters to warm up.  A Separate stretching area will be available before the Session.

Food, please to keep the warm-up room as clean as possible, please try to eat in the stretching, spectator and eating areas.

Remove weights form bars after your warm-up, this will help the next session athletes and coaches.

Dress Code for lifting: Tight shorts and long tights, T-Shirts, Singlets, Tight-Vests, are permitted. Please keep loose clothing tucked in.

No Smart watches and cell-phones are permitted on the platform.


Food and Drinks will be on sale

Time Table

Session Lists are determined by Entry Total

Session 1 – Women

Weigh-In: 6am – 7am

Start: 8am

Session 2 – Women

Weigh-In: 8:15am – 9:15am

Start: 10:15am

Session 3 – Men

Weigh-In: 11am – 12pm

Start: 1pm

Session 4 – Men

Weigh-In: 1:15pm – 2:15pm

Start: 3:15pm

Women’s Medals will be given after the 2nd Session

Men’s Medals will be given after the 4th Session

Medals will be as per the Age and Weight Category Listed on the Start-List


Second Issue 2023/06/30 @ 5pm