Date: 2022/11/06


The 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Gauteng Weightlifting Association

will be held on the Friday 25th November 2022 at 6:30pm

Venue: Performance Purest,

17 Poplar Ave, Riverclub, Sandton, 2191

(If you can’t attend in persons, a virtual link will be available)



1) To read the notice convening the meeting
2) To read and confirm the credentials and apologies if any.
3) To read and confirm the minutes of the last AGM and to deal with matters arising.
4) To receive the Chairman Address.
5) To read and confirm the Treasurer’s Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet for 2022.
6) To discuss and approve the Membership Fee for 2023.
7) To appoint an auditor for the next financial year.
8) Elect the Executive Members;
Vice Chairman
Development Officer
three elected committee members

Nominations for The Executive members must be submitted on the following form by the 19th November 2022, final nominees will be posted on the 21st November 2022. (You may nominate yourself, if you are willing to be apart of the Executive)

Notes as per the Gauteng Weightlifting Association Constitution:

a) The executive committee is elected at the AGM and serves for one year and consists of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Development Officer and three elected committee members who can be either registered of Association Members.
b) The Committee for the Association shall be composed of the Executive Committee and a nominated delegate or alternate from each club.

c) Committee members from a club under suspension shall not be entitled to take part in any meeting, Annual, Special, General or Extra-ordinary.
d) 20% of the registered members, who must include 50% of the Executive Committee, shall form a quorum at the General Annual Meeting and any Special General Meeting.
e) All members who have paid their subscriptions for the previous year shall have the power to vote.
f) Should a quorum not be present at a meeting should be recovered in seven days at the same time and venue. If the quorum is again not present it will then be considered as a quorum.
g) The AGM shall be held within the last 2 weeks of November and at least 21 days notice shall be given in writing for the AGM together with the business to be transacted.